71. S - Someday

I wish of a world, where there's no money to hold
nothing or no one can be sold
The world becomes a temple for every religion
You'll learn first to value, then to earn
Use your energy to bring a change
To the whole world expand your range
Try to reply to everyone
Even a sinister at once was an innocent someone
I have no cast, i have no creed
For a worthy living, let's sow this seed
How long will you burn by the clock
Your striving run, is it's daily walk
Stop holding yourself aback
Work to improve what you lack
With each & every one you share a relation
Humanity - the sole exultation
This beauty, the glamour, the glitz
Shall be gone one day
All you will be left is poetry and arts
Only these will calm the fire in you
As well as ignite compassion in you
Then will this world become a beautiful place
When we shall not be limited by black & white and believe in grey
And that is the world I imagine to see someday


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