90. Naive

You were an acquaintance
Didn't really matter, your presence
But now you've walked in to my life
Started knowing me
Your dialogues fill the gaps in my sentences​
Your​ ideas becoming my lenses

But I wonder do you have another side
The one that'll get Serious someday
The one that will dive into the depths we fear
Will you look at me the way you looked at your first love?
Will you love me, getting over the fright of the first?
Will my nuances be your reference
Will my smell be the one, Awakening your nerves?
Will you want me to caress your curves
Will you fight with me without the fear of losing me?
Have the fear of losing me,
Will you give in to my demons, while you tame them or tame yours to give into mine?
Will you ...

For I realize,
You're a mirror, suffering the same questions
Standing at the same point
You love me, but you don't want to
Under the pretense,
"I forgot to love, or I don't think I can love, or what is love"

Why do you need to remember, or think or know what is love,

Do you see where we are
So protective, so careful, yet so Naive

Let's dare,
Walk me into you,
Dwell in me
Just this way stay in my arms
Just for a while more
Don't walk away, and
make me feel like just another store


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