
Showing posts from 2013

35.A sweet friend..

34.The game of likes...

33.She was so adorably cute..

32.Growing only for the future...

31.The meet after a fight.. April 2010

30.My poems, My Words..

29.Failure..but not the End..

28.Thought i'd forget,but something din't let.. :)

27.A dark side..................or a state of mind...

26.The late night calls..the talks..

25.A Rainy day..flooded roads..Serene Climate!

24.Trust yourself..

23.Soft corner..

22.A New Chapter..

21.Happiness.. :)

20.Rise up.. never let go...

19.Its on a hold..

18.He never thought he'd love again...but has he fallen for her...

17.The Reply..

16.The Worthy Wait..

15.A new person in my life,makes everything seem magical..

14.Past mistakes..learnt..improved..

13.The start..

12.Greed..materialistic wants..

11.The meet after months..

10.My Reply - to a friend when she asked if i'm in love with her...

9.She deserves freedom and respect..

8.A painful dark night..

7.Lost a friend due to some mis-understandings..

6.Wrote this poem last night..After talking to a really sweet girl..

5.Maturity..Parents..Their support...

4.Stars and their company..

3.This poem was for a friend very special..

2.Locked fingers...My memories

1.Clouds and the Moon